

Churchill, Winston


Winston Churchill is very common on facsimilie signed letters

thumb Churchill Winston 1

Facsimilie 1945

thumb Churchill Winston 2

facsimilie letter (no date)

thumb Churchill Winston 3

Winston Churchill facsimilie letter on 1953 birthday thanks. 

References: Markus Brandes

thumb Churchill Winston 7

These are typical examples of the letters Churchill sent out by the thousand to those who sent him messages of greetings on important or personal occasions. Notice that in the case of the first letter there is no specific date and no salutation and that the name of the recipient is typewritten at the foot of the letter. The accompanying envelope is typewritten although the letter itself purports to be in Churchill's hand. It is astonishing that these fairly crude facsimiles are so often taken to be genuine, and indeed that the recipients or their descendants can really believe that Churchill would have been able to take the time to reply personally and in his own hand to everyone who wrote to him. 
There are of course many genuine letters of Churchill which convey greetings or thanks, but there would normally be a salutation ('Dear Mr Bloggs') to a specific recipient either in typewritten form, or in Churchill's hand if he was well acquainted with his correspondent.

reference: John Wilson

thumb Churchill Winston 8

reference: John Wilson

thumb Churchill Winston 9

reference : Sammlung Romanus Krick

card sent 21.Nov.1962, reference : Markus Brandes
Feb 1954
Faksimilesignaturen auf (vor allem) Dankadressen zu Geburtstagswünschen, mit verschiedenen Datumsangaben
Faksimilesignatur tintenblau, vor allem in den letzten Lebensjahren (Verschieden Versionen) bekannt.  reference: AdA
April 1955 facsimile letter,  reference: Markus Brandes

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Dienstag, 09 September 2014

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Markus Brandes

Markus Brandes

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