Autograph Advice Guide

Autograph Advice Guide

In this part of the website we will endeavour to answer the questions that we are most often asked on the subject of autographs. Now take some time to read this sections; advice that will help you to keep long and respectful you for autographs !

“Without autographs, there can be no literary, scientific, or cultural history. The heritage of the written word is the basis of our civilization.”


Criteria for Describing Manuscripts and Documents

Written by Manuscript Society on Samstag, 15 Januar 2011. Posted in Autograph Advice Guide


For decades the manuscript market was an integral part of the book trade. With the rapidly evolving interest in autographs, manuscripts and documents, a large independent market has opened up with many dealers handling only manuscript material. Through this rapid growth period, there have been no general standards available for describing and grading manuscripts and documents. Although there are examples in many catalogues of good descriptive criteria, collectively there are many differences in the criteria used from one dealer to another. Often much is left to the imagination of the buyer and collector. It was clear that there was a pressing need to adopt a standardized format for describing and grading manuscript material.

pdf The Manuscript Society Critera for Describing Manuscripts  

Purchaser's autograph checklist

on Sonntag, 10 April 2011. Posted in Autograph Advice Guide

Purchaser's autograph checklist

Always Check...

Purchasing autographs could be a dangerous field if you purchase forgeries !
Please take a look to following checklist to avoid expensive mistakes