Long-forgotten Oswald files resurface in Dallas

on Dienstag, 15 Oktober 2013. Posted in General Autograph News


DALLAS — Files containing historic documents related to the assassination of President Kennedy were presented to Dallas County officials on Tuesday.

The papers concern the death of Kennedy assassin Lee Harvey Oswald, and had been filed away in a desk drawer until now.

"You never know what you are going to find when you start going through some papers with the county," said Dallas County Chief Medical Examiner Dr. Jeffrey Barnard.

Barnard came across the paperwork recently. "It is kind of interesting, because you have documents which authorize the exhumation for the identification for the body of Lee Harvey Oswald, because the allegation was, that wasn't who was buried in that grave," he said.

In October 1981, Oswald's coffin was removed from a grave site in Rose Hill Cemetery in Fort Worth. A team of pathologists confirmed the remains were Oswald's.

The papers unveiled on Tuesday — not previously seen publicly — will eventually be displayed with other artifacts at the Sixth Floor Museum.

"These are the original documents," Barnard said. "It has Marina Porter Oswald's signature."

It's a discovery that would be significant any time, but particularly this year.

"As you know, it is a significant anniversary year with the 50th remembrance of the death of President Kennedy outside our doors here, and this just goes to show these documents and their continuing interest as to why history matters," said Sixth Floor Museum executive director Nicola Longford.

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